Author. Speaker. Photographer.

Nisha Shenoy is an Indian author and a fresh voice in the world of fiction writing. She draws on her vivid experiences from the corporate world where she has spent eighteen fulfilling years of her life predominantly in the Talent space. Her unique perspective on the inner workings of organizations and the dynamics of workplace relationships make her story a must-read for anyone who has ever worked in the Corporate space.
Her debut novel, The Flawed Girl, showcases her talent for crafting engaging and thought-provoking narrative that keep readers hooked until the very end. Her initial writing journey began in her student days, followed by a personal blog-- but recently her creative passion took a more serious turn – leading her to quit corporate life, a year ago, to become a full-time author. Strong-willed girls are her all-time favourite protagonists.
Ms. Shenoy was born and brought up in Puttur, Karnataka and completed her higher education in Mangalore. She currently lives in Hyderabad. When she's not writing, Nisha also enjoys portrait photography (, capturing people and their stories through a visual medium. She calls herself a Chartered Accountant by accident and a storyteller at heart.

Author Interview

What inspired you to become a writer?

Stories are forever. If there's one thing that will outlive you, it's your story. Even as a child, I was so fascinated with stories. Tulunad, the part of Coastal Karnataka I come from is a land of ancient folklore. Every new story I discovered, I had this compulsive urge to share it with a million people around me. My friends from younger days have all been privy to this habit of mine. I often wonder why I didnt choose to do this sooner. But I am also a huge believer in destiny. I'm certain that the right time to put my stories out into the universe is Now.

Quitting a well-paid corporate job to become a full-time author, didn’t that scare you?

Yes, it did. That is perhaps the only reason I couldnt do this sooner. But in hindsight, the longer gestation did give me the time to refine my writing and, more importantly, my understanding of the world. When I felt ready, the decision to quit the job came so naturally. It almost felt like arriving home. I'm also lucky to have a life-partner who encourages me to devote all my time towards my calling, and not worry about finances. I think thats a huge support for anyone wanting to head towards a creative life. Touchwood!

Let's talk about your debut novel - The Flawed Girl. Is it a true story?

Most stories I write are from the world I have seen or experienced. But it is 100% fiction. It is not based on any single character or person. The Flawed Girl draws its inspiration from the dark underbelly of the Corporate world where complexities of modern workplace relationships must co-exist with ambition-led power-play. Itika Benegal, the protagonist in this story is an ordinary woman with an extraordinary mind who must deal with both these monsters at the same time --desire vs. career. From what I have seen, people, are anything but ordinary . They are most often sleeping storms, holding tempests of their pasts very close to their heart. Until someone makes the mistake of knocking on closed doors -- Not every dent is visible in plain sight! You will find an excerpt and lot more interesting facts about The Flawed Girl in the Books segment on this site.

What is your advice for people who want to become authors?

Go for it. If not now, then when? Dream big, but start small. Write a paragraph, a page, a chapter -- keep it easy so that you dont give up on your dream. A lot of people told me that daily writing is the most important thing to become an author. Perhaps! It works for most people. In my case, I found it hard to write without an inspiration, or a deeper need for words that could decode the struggle in my head. So, do what works for you. Direction is more important than pace. Don't give up. Dreams, not matter how impossible they seem, do come true. What are the odds that a Chartered Accountant turned Corporate Talent Leader would someday write a book?

Press Kit

Nisha Shenoy is an Indian author and a fresh voice in the world of fiction writing. She draws on her vivid experiences from the corporate world where she has spent eighteen fulfilling years of her life predominantly in the Talent space. Her debut novel, The Flawed Girl, showcases her talent for crafting engaging and thought-provoking narrative that keep readers hooked until the very end. Her unique perspective on the inner workings of organizations and the dynamics of workplace relationships make her story a must-read for anyone who has ever worked in the Corporate space. Her initial writing journey began in her student days, followed by a personal blog-- but recently her creative passion took a more serious turn – leading her to quit corporate life, a year ago, to become a full-time author. Strong-willed girls are her all-time favourite protagonists.
Ms. Shenoy was born and brought up in Puttur, Karnataka and completed her higher education in Mangalore. She currently lives in Hyderabad with her family. She calls herself a Chartered Accountant by accident and a storyteller at heart. Known for her ability to weave intricate narratives that resonate with readers, she effortlessly combines fiction with real-world experiences. She feels deeply for the every day struggles of a woman, especially the unspoken ones. Choosing one such complex theme for her first book was indeed an act of courage. Her debut novel is a testament to her literary prowess and marks the beginning of an exciting literary journey. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure through the pages of "The Flawed Girl" as Ms. Shenoy takes you on a mesmerizing storytelling ride.